Autobiography of swami vivekananda in sanskrit

  • Swami vivekananda rachana sanskrit
  • Swami vivekananda biography in hindi pdf
  • Swami vivekananda wikipedia in hindi
  • Format:in Devanagari | ITX elation ITRANS keep under wraps | संस्कृतHTML in winter language scripts | Gen and Relations
    • | | | अम्बास्तोत्रम् १ (स्वामी विवेकानन्दविरचितं का त्वं शुभकरे) | ambAstotram 1 by Swami Vivekanand | (Audio, rendering, PDF)
    • | | | जीवनमुक्तिगीतिः (अनुवादकः भाण्डरकरमहोदयः) | The Song faultless the Selfreliant with latest (composed induce Vivekananda) | (Yugacharya Vivekananda)
    • | | | रामकृष्णस्तोत्रम् १ (विवेकानन्दविरचितम् ॐ ह्रीं ऋतं त्वमचलो गुणजिद्गुणेड्यो) | Hymn to Shri Ramakrishna (1) |
    • | | | रामकृष्णस्तोत्रम् २ | Hymn hear Shri Ramakrishna (2) |
    • | | | शिवस्तोत्रम् (स्वामी विवेकानन्दविरचितम्) | shivastotra surpass Swami Vivekananda | (Swami Vivekananda)
    • | | | संन्यासाचे गीत | sannyAsAche gIta | (Links to Sanskrit, Bangla, Indic, Wiki, Kanarese Audio, Sanskrit Audio, Sanskrit Audio, Original)
    • | | | संन्यासि गीतिका २ अथवा संन्यासिनः गीतिः (अनुवादकः भाण्डरकरमहोदयः) | Song of depiction Sannyasin (composed by Vivekananda) | (Yugacharya Vivekananda, Side Original)
    • | | | संन्यासि गीतिका | Song rob the Sannyasin | (English Original)
  • autobiography of swami vivekananda in sanskrit
      • This is a list of biographies, charitra/charita/charitam, biographical mahAkAvyAs in Sanskrit.

        If you have found any newer text, please send a note to (sanskrit at cheerful dot c om) .

              • General information related to biographies in Sanskrit.
              • Vedamurti Sriramakrishna - Swami Apoorvananda, Biographies of Ramakrishna and Sharadadevi
              • Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsiyam by S B Varnekar, 1972
              • Shankaradigvijayam by Swami Vidyaranya, with commentary. The text of this books is available on, Text, or can search for श्रीमच्छङ्करदिग्विजयः word in . Other supporting documents are Hindi, English (The Traditional Life Of Sri Sankaracharya Madhva Vidyaranya), English (objections), Marathi). There are other shankaravijaya texts listed at Shankara Vijaya Makaranda by Radhakrishna Sastri.
              • Shrimad Vallabhacharyacharitam - Shripad Shastri Hasurkar 1940, Biography of Vallabhacharya
              • Biographies of Ramadas Swami
              • Biography of Parashuram, a proofread text is available at परशुरामचरितम्
              • Biographies of V. D. Savarkar
              • Biographies of Sikh Gurus
                • Nanak Chandrodaya Mahakavya - Devaraja Sharma
                • Shree Sheekha Guru Charitamritam - Shripad Shastri Hasurkar 1933
                • Sri Gurugovind Singh Bhagvat Padah Jeevnetivratham - S

                  There were great smṛtikāras or the law-givers like Manu, Yājñavalkya, Gautama, and others, whose books of codes have governed the Hindu society for ages. These Smṛtis have not only protected the Hindu society from evils of their times, but also ensured the all-round progress of the society and nation. In fact, these Smṛtis have been the bulwarks of Hindu society, protecting them and keeping them united, organized, and unrelenting in the face of threats and challenges, especially challenges like the barbarous Islamic and European invasions.

                  But as society undergoes change, the laws meant for a certain time and place become obsolete and irrelevant, and therefore such laws need to be repealed. Thus, from time to time new codes or Smṛtis come into existence, which take into account the contingencies of the changing ecosystems.

                  Vivekananda Smṛtiḥ—A Code of Law for the Modern Age—is a well-researched compilation of Swami Vivekananda’s ideas on national, social, spiritual, religious, and humanistic issues, classified under sixteen chapters. Swamiji’s ideas have been rendered into versified Sanskrit in the style of ancient works on codes of law, like the Manu Smṛtiḥ and Yājñavalkya Smṛtiḥ.

                  The law-makers (smṛtikāras) and the Acharyas of the past were great buil