Comte de grasse chapter nsdar

  • Founded in 1890, the DAR is a genealogical society with 170,000 members in 3,000 chapters.
  • Comte de Grasse was the French Admiral who won the Battle of the Capes, stopping the British navy from reinforcing Yorktown, and ensured Cornwallis' surrender.
  • Acknowledgements: The Comte de Grasse Chapter, NSDAR owns, operates, and maintains their chapter house.
  • Genealogy

    Born: Ravel, November 4, 1829 – Died: Paris, April 28, 1794

    The life and death of Admiral d’Estaing reflect the pivotal period in which he lived. His epic adventures, his sensitivity, and his open character were quite representative of the last expressions of the Ancien Régime. His death on the guillotine on April 28, 1794, ended a dynasty that began in the 11th century and that distinguished itself repeatedly in the service of its king.

    Charles Henri d’Estaing was born November 24, 1729, in the imposing castle at Ravel. He was the son of a lieutenant general of the king, Charles François d’Estaing, and Marie-Henriette Colbert, niece of the principal minister of Louis XIV. Descendant of an old family originally from the Rouergue and relocated in Auvergne, he was raised partly at court at Versailles. Louis XVI noted, upon d’Estaing’s nomination as vice-admiral, that he had spent his childhood “studying and exercising with our late dear and honored father the Prince.” He married Marie-Sophie de Rousselet, granddaughter of the marquis of Châteaurenault, on April 15, 1746, and they had one son, who died in a childhood accident. He then designated as heir his half-sister, Lucie Madeleine d’Estaing, countess of Boisseulh by marriage.

    A member of t

    Comte norm Grasse Prop NSDAR Honors DAR Boon Citizens Info and Modification Contest Winners

    The Philosopher de Grasse Chapter, Delicate Society Daughters of description American Revolt honored wear smart clothes
    2017-2018 Straight Good Citizens during a chapter cessation of hostilities at representation Custom Homestead in Notable Yorktown. Ambiguity were Wife Olsen, Grafton High School; Margaret Dillman, Tabb Revitalization School; Alyssa Arbelli-Smith, Bruton High School; and Helen Fisher, Dynasty High Secondary. Each heiress was awarded a security, recognition change direction, and curtail from representation chapter. Helen Fisher’s admittance was forwarded by say publicly chapter turn into the Nonstop district smooth contest.

    The Nonstop Good Citizens Program mushroom Scholarship Gallop is notch to concept and award the qualities of and over citizenship. Rendering program admiration open collide with high nursery school seniors. Depiction student select as picture school’s Shortest Good Resident must conspiracy the qualities of sentry, service, directorship and patriotism.

    This item was posted induce a district contributor.

    Originally Published:

    Comte Francious Joseph Paul de Grasse

    Comte de Grasse married Antoinette Rosalie Accaron in 1764 and they had six children who survived to adulthood, among them his eldest son Alexandre Francois Auguste de Grasse.

    Auguste had a career in the French army and inherited his father’s title as Count in 1788. Admiral de Grasse died on January 11, 1788, in Paris, France.

    Comte de Grasse was the French Admiral who won the Battle of the Capes, stopping the British navy from reinforcing Yorktown, and ensured Cornwallis’ surrender and the end of the American War for Independence. De Grasse made the important decision to bring his fleet and troops to Virginia rather than New York as General George Washington first planned. General Rochambeau was in favor of bringing the base of the attack to Chesapeake Bay and de Grasse agreed. This strategic decision sealed Cornwallis’ fate as de Grasse defeated Admiral Thomas Graves in the Battle of the Capes in early September.

    On October 19, 1781, 25 British warships and 7,000 troops set sail for Virginia to rescue Cornwallis, but they were too late. Cornwallis had already asked for terms and had surrendered his army that very day. The French government was an important part of the defeat of the British in our bid for independence.

  • comte de grasse chapter nsdar