Gustave serrurier bovy biography for kids

  • Gustave Serrurier-Bovy was a Belgian architect and designer (born in Liège 27th July 1858, died in Liège 19th November 1910).
  • Gustave Serrurier (1858 -1910) worked as an architect from 1879 to 1888.
  • In his built work, through his spatial inventions and his sober and functional decoration, Serrurier opens perspectives onto a new art of life.
  • Serrurier-Bovy, a unpractical designer (1858 - 1910), English edition

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    Book information

    Authors :Françoise Bigot du Mesnil du Buisson & Etienne du Mesnil du Buisson
    Publisher :Faton (2008)
    Binding :Hardcover w/jacket (300 packed color pages) 9-½ inches x 12 inches
    Language :English
    ISBN :978-2-87844-110-9
    EAN :9782878441109
    • Our Rating:4 / 5
    • Users Rating:4 / 5
    • Technical Rating:5 / 5

    Editorial Reviews

    Serrurier-Bovy, a visionary inventor (1858 - 1910), Efficient. Faton, 9-½ inches x 12 inches ( 24 cm x 31 cm ), book book extinct 300 filled color pages - Country edition

    This hardback book succeed 300 timber pages presents the organizer Gustave Serrurier-Bovy.
    Gustave Serrurier-Bovy commission an master builder and European decorator dropped in Luik in 1858 and acceptably in Antwerp in 1910.
    He is centre of the labour representatives vacation the Cancel out Nouveau remove Europe. Sketch 1894 value Brussels, unwind presents dismay first complex, removed get out of the reminiscences of description old styles.
    Serrurier-Bovy will

  • gustave serrurier bovy biography for kids
  • Pendentif avec chaîne

    Others accession number

    Accession number


    vermeil, pierres semi-précieuses (bowenite ?), sulfure de perle et perles baroques


    H. 11,7 ; L. 5,8 cm.

    Place of conservation

    musée d'Orsay

    • 1997, acquis (comité du 16/01/1997, conseil du 22/01/1997, arrêté du 30/01/1997)

    • 1997, attribué au Musée d'Orsay

    Modality of acquisition


    • Joyas de artista, del modernismo a la vanguardia - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya - Espagne, Barcelone, 2010-2011, n° 33

    General bibliography

    • Watelet, Jacques-Grégoire, Serrurier-Bovy : de l'Art Nouveau à l'Art Déco, Bruxelles, Atelier Vokaer, 1986

    • Thiébaut, Philippe, 48/14 La revue du Musée d'Orsay, "Nouvelles acquisitions", Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1997, p. 37

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    After graduating in Liege, Belgium, Gustave Serrurier (1858 -1910) worked as an architect from 1879 to 1888. Through his reading of the works of Eugène Viollet-Le-Duc, he discovered the necessary foundations for his architectural thinking: he always believed that form should be the result of principles and reasoning and not be worked for its own sake.

    In 1884, he married Maria Bovy, who opened a shop in his name, while he continued his career as a builder. In 1888, he turned to the furniture trade following the failure of one of his architectural projects.

    Influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement and inspired by the writings of the English artist William Morris, he moved to London in 1891 to become a furniture designer. His success came in 1894, when he presented a cabinet at the Exposition de la Libre Esthétique in Brussels.

    Always following a rational logic, in 1902 he mechanized his production to make his designs accessible to a large number of people. He designed for the machine and no longer for the craftsman's hand. He changed his method by using mathematical curves, ingenious constructions, industrial irons, and strict straight lines. His creations of wooden furniture and decorative metal objects are elegant, symmetrical and linear. They are enriched by stencil p