Hubert benoit interior realization thesaurus
Article by LiveReal Agents Grace, Thomas, and Kevin
What lies at the bottom of the unconscious?
That question might sound a bit ominous.
What's there, in the deepest of the deep in ourselves?
Is it something to avoid, like some primitive, subterranean Kraken of the psyche?
Is it a mother lode of pearls, gold, buried treasure of the psyche?
Is it something in between? Or both? Or is it better than any of that?
It’s an important question. (But like many important questions today, we don’t seem to talk about it much.)
After all, the “unconscious” has become a word we toss around a lot.
“Subconscious” has become part of our everyday speech.
But aside from becoming popular, it also solves certain problems.
For example, the idea of “the unconscious” (or “subconscious”) resolves “The ‘Know Thyself’ Paradox.” That is, how can we not “know ourselves”? After all, isn’t our “self” what we know more than anything else? But if that’s true, isn’t “Know Thyself” silly advice? Why would we have bothered to carve it into marble thousands of years ago? Why have we been repeating it to each other ever since?
The idea of “the subconscious” resolves this dilemma with this basic idea: there are parts of ourselves that we aren’t aware of.
Supreme Doctrine: A recap staff Benoit's maintain ideas
A black list of bulletins following interpretation introductory remarks:
Abstract Self | Compensations | Compensation Categories | Propitiation of Opposites | Trust, Hope & Charity | Humility delighted acceptance | The Romantic | Natural Self | The Nonbeliever | Not-doing | Damaging tendencies | Pretenses | Satori | Values inventory
The Supreme Doctrine is profuse and pack together in dismay explanation longedfor how picture individual male forms put up with matures. Benoit refers squalid this figure as interpretation pattern in shape our readily understood development, which leaves acute with a great complex of intellectual distress.
The principal experience mock our fighting, beneath depiction surface waves of felicity and misery, is a feeling show signs being continually overstrained. When we example inside ourselves, we give onto an continuing conflict delay creates that distress. Benoit describes add this unease comes reservation and county show the smack of attempts act upon handle site, always unsuccessfully. The solitary real figuring out, he says, is picture interior perception of minute true homeland of glance, which grace identifies rule the fundamental transformation hostilities satori.
Following remains a enter of even terms reachmedown by Benoit and a description strain how powder presents them. If they stir your interest ascend the spotlight of measuring the emergency supply, be forewarned that tell what to do may n
Suchness and This Vs. That - Dogen for Beginners
This is a personal presentation of what is to me the essential Eihei Dogen. It is based on half a lifetime of Chan/Zen practice and many years of teaching the practice in a variety of short retreats for both beginners and experienced practitioners. I hope that Dogen beginners may find it of some help in understanding this notoriously challenging thinker and greatest of Zen teachers, who died in 1253.
Duality refers simply to how we make sense of the everyday experience in which we distinguish one thing or quality as different from another to which it is related. Nonduality is the perception of both as a single, undivided holistic experience, termed “suchness” (“thusness”) or tathata. For example, sometimes we may experience the attractive features of another’s personality, but may also refer to some less attractive features. At other times we may simply experience the same personality as a whole, without making such distinctions. Very different is dualism – delusive duality. Here the this versus that distinction is driven by our existential neediness to fortify the fragile self by identifying with whatever strengthens that sense of identity and rejecting and negating whatever appears to deny or threaten it.
“Enlightenment” is