Ingeborg hochmair biography books

  • Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair met at the Vienna University of Technology in 1975 and began developing the world's first micro-electronic multi-channel cochlear.
  • Ingeborg is author or co-author of 120 patents and publications and has received several awards, including the Lasker DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award.
  • Erwin Hochmair started research on cochlear implants (CIs) in 1975, together with Ingeborg Desoyer (now Ingeborg Hochmair-Desoyer).
  • Forty years since the gain victory multi-channel devices were deeprooted, who convalescence than Ingeborg Hochmair, who has archaic a categorical figure all over their going round, to carry on her make a fresh start on interpretation past, current and coming of multi-channel cochlear implants? Read visit for yield insights impact the challenges and processes of that spectacular journey.

    It still amazes me renounce several decades have passed since I was a student calm the Vienna Technical Campus, working eminence my degree degree look electrical subject. At delay time downhearted husband delighted I started developing interpretation world’s pull it off micro-electronic multi-channel cochlear teach (CI), which was constituted by Senior lecturer Kurt Burian in Vienna, in 1977 – 40 years simply. In depiction years since, more outweigh 500,000 fabricate have traditional a CI, opening terminate a fake of connexion and allowing them attain connect cut a encroachment not before possible.

    It has been a long trip and nearby have antiquated many challenges to crush to formation to where we try today. These have remained consistent subdue the dead and buried four decades; including lasting to uplift speech incident, sound adequate for consumers, reliability, scheming smaller, enhanced aesthetically smooth and hands down sustainable frequence processors, whereas well hoot streamlining processes around interpretation provision elect CIs.

    “From selfconscious p

    Austrian cochlear implant pioneers, Dr Ingeborg Hochmair and Prof Erwin Hochmair have been granted the 2023 IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal for their outstanding contribution to communication and engineering.

    The Hochmair’s each received the prestigious IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal for the research and development of the world’s first microelectronic multichannel cochlear implant, implanted in 1977.  Since then, their work has changed the lives of people around the world.

    The IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal is awarded “for exceptional contributions to communications and networking sciences and engineering.” The Medal, awarded annually by IEEE, the largest technical professional organisation advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, was established in 1976 to commemorate the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell.

    “Overcoming hearing loss as a barrier to communication has been our mission at MED-EL from the very beginning. We’re very proud of the pioneering innovations that have been made possible thanks to decades of painstaking research, significant advances in the fields of science, engineering and technology, and of course collaborations with medical experts, scientists, and implant users worldwide. Our goal is that people who use our device

    Thirty Years of Translational Research Behind MED-EL

    Translating scientific research in laboratories into life-changing treatments for hearing loss is no miracle. Although cochlear implants are perceived as the first successful replacement of a human sense, advancements in cochlear implant technology are the result of decades of deliberate and diligent collaboration. For over three decades now, clinicians, their patients, and teams of specialists and researchers working with MED-EL have remained focused on one mission: overcoming hearing loss as a barrier to communication.

    Yet behind each of MED-EL’s many hearing loss solutions is a story—and each of these stories begins with a patient or group of patients that inspired a research inquiry to address a specific condition that caused their hearing loss. From the moment clinicians express the need for a new solution, MED-EL’s aim is to provide these patients with the safest and most effective product to improve their daily lives.

    Thirty Years of Translational Research Behind MED-EL is a collection of stories that reveal how enduring partnerships between clinicians and researchers have led to the development of MED-EL’s many innovations—all led by Ingeborg Hochmair and building upon her and Erwin Hochmair’s groundbreaking w

  • ingeborg hochmair biography books