Jemma khalid biography

  • Gemma Khalid (alternately Jamuna or Jemma Halid) is a.
  • Gemma Khalid is a Russian singer active since the 1990s.
  • Biography.
  • Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD


    Russell MW, Moldenhauer JS, Rychik J, Burnham NB, Zullo E, Parry S, Simmons RA, Elovitz MA, Nicolson SC, Linn RL, Johnson MP, Yu S, Sampson M, Hakonarson H, Gaynor JW. Damaging variants in proangiogenic genes impair growth in fetuses with cardiac defects. [Published online ahead of print June 18, 2019] J Pediatr.


    Barca E, Ganetzky RD, Potluri P, Juanola-Falgarona M, Gai X, Li D, Jalas C, Hirsch Y, Emmanuele V, Tadesse S, Ziosi M, Akman HO, Chung WK, Tanji K, McCormick E, Place E, Consugar M, Pierce EA, Hakonarson H, Wallace DC, Hirano M, Falk MJ. USMG5 Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutation impairs mitochondrial complex V dimerization and ATP synthesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 Jun 18. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddy231. [Epub ahead of print]


    Yilmaz Z, Kaplan AS, Tiwari AK, Levitan RD, Piran S, Bergen AW, Kaye WH, Hakonarson H, Wang K, Berrettini WH, Brandt HA, Bulik CM, Crawford S, Crow S, Fichter MM, Halmi KA, Johnson CL, Keel PK, Klump KL, Magistretti P, Mitchell JE, Strober M, Thornton LM, Treasure J, Woodside DB, Knight J, Kennedy JL.: The role of leptin, melanocortin, and neurotrophin system genes on body weight in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.    J Psychiatr Res. Page: 77-86, Aug 2017.


    Kim D, Lucas A, Glessner J, V


    Implantation requires communication between a receptive endometrium and a healthy blastocyst. This maternal-embryonic crosstalk involves local mediators within the uterine microenvironment. We demonstrate that a secreted protein, prokineticin 1 (PROK1), is expressed in the receptive endometrium and during early pregnancy. PROK1 induces expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in endometrial epithelial cells and first trimester decidua via a Gq-Ca2+-cSrc-mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-mediated pathway. We show that human embryonic chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) induces sequential mRNA expression of PROK1 and LIF in an in vivo baboon model, in human endometrial epithelial cells, and in first-trimester decidua. We have used micro RNA constructs targeted to PROK1 to demonstrate that hCG-mediated LIF expression in the endometrium is dependent on prior induction of PROK1. Dual immunohistochemical analysis colocalized expression of the luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor, PROK1, PROKR1, and LIF to the glandular epithelial cells of the first trimester decidual tissue. PROK1 enhances adhesion of trophoblast cells to fibronectin and laminin matrices, which are mediated predominantly via LIF induction. These data describe a novel signaling p

  • jemma khalid biography
  • Faculty Profiles


    Abbasi, Hamza, M.D.

    Abdelmalik, Putz, MD, PhD

    Abdelradi, Amr, M.D.

    Abdul Aziz, Rabheh, MD, MS

    Abeles, Jennifer, DO

    Ablove, Robert, MD

    Ablove, Tova, MD

    Abramowitz, David, MD

    Acehan, Devrim

    Adams, Aaron

    Adams, Cristine, MD, FACEP

    Adams, Christian, MD

    Adelaiye-Ogala, Remi, PhD

    Adragna, Archangel, MD

    Aftab, Lalarukh, MD

    Ahmad, Misbah, MD

    Akers, Stacey, M.D.

    Alam, Naheed, M.D.

    Albanese, Matthew

    Alevriadou, Barbara Rita, PhD

    Alex, Ashley, MD

    Alexander, Jessy, PhD

    Algattas, Hanna, MD

    Alico, Lindsey, MS, CGC

    Aliotta, Philip, MD

    Almadhoun, Osama, MD

    Almyroudis, Nikolaos, MD

    Alvarez Perez, Amy, MD

    Ambrus, Junior, Julian, MD

    Ambrusko, Steven, MD, MS

    Amin, Sahar

    Amin, Shaily, M.D.

    Anand, Renata, MD

    Anders, Mark, MD

    Anderson, Jacob

    Andreadis, Stylianos, PhD

    Andrews, Reciprocal, MD, PhD

    Andrzejewski, Kelly, Force, PhD

    Anker, Jeffrey, MD

    Ansari, Jamal

    Anson, Erika, MD

    Antonius, Daniel, PhD

    Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie, PhD

    Appelstein, Samara, DO

    Aras, Kedar, Ph.D.

    Archer, III, Fred, MD

    Armbruster, Chelsie, PhD

    Arnoldi-Jolley, Kyle, CO

    Aronica, Archangel, MD, MSc

    Arora, Pradeep, MD

    Arrizabalaga, Gustavo, Ph.D.

    Arshad, Ayesha

    Ashraf, Has