Kamini desai biography channel

  • With over 35 years of experience, Kamini has pioneered the I AM Yoga Nidra curriculum, blending ancient yogic wisdom with modern psychology and science.
  • The Ida nadi (channel) has to do with emotions, the inner world, and receptivity while Pingala nadi has to do with action, physical development and dynamism.
  • Kamini Desai beautifully captures the essence of Yoga Nidra with these words.
  • ~ kimberly mascaro ~

    Thank you for following Conscious Chimera all of these years! I have made a change recently. In order to keep all of my content under one roof, I have relocated to Substack. My Substack account is @consciouschimeraclassroom &#; PLEASE SUBSCRIBE.

    Dr. Kim&#;s Conscious Chimera Classroom contains both paid and free content to subscribers. The topics or area of focus will remain the same &#; that&#;s anything related to human consciousness, wellness, spirituality and psychology. Instead of jumping around from YouTube to WordPress and other sites, all videos, slideshow lectures, papers and articles, blogs, audio recordings (guided meditations and yoga nidra), etc., can now be found here: @consciouschimeraclassroom

    Thank you again and I hope to see you on Substack!

    Be well,

    Dr. Kim

    ~ kimberly mascaro ~

    Is insomnia in your self-descriptive vocabulary? I hear this regularly among patients in my clinical practice. Maybe you experience insomnia or sleep next to someone who does. Sleep is natural, but why do so many people struggle with it? Insomnia seems to have become the new normal. Would you agree?

    No one is alone here. Sleep disorders are a major concern for millions of people, including young children. Loss of restorative delta sleep (~ &#; 4 her

  • kamini desai biography channel
  • In recent years there has been extensive research and writing on habits. How to make the good ones stick and how to kick the bad ones to the curb. It’s all there in black and white, all you have to do is do the work, the step-by-step processes laid out in myriad books and blogs.

    But what if you didn’t have to do anything, really? What if the habits you believe are causing all your issues are only the tip of your human experience and there’s a whole giant iceberg harboring the real root to your angst just below the surface of your awareness?

    You can’t fix what you don’t know. Or can you?

    If you’ve been practicing yoga or yoga nidra, you’ve no doubt become acquainted with the third eye. Even if you’re new to yoga you’ve probably heard of it, maybe by its other name, the Mind’s Eye. The Third Eye has a long history in many traditions dating back thousands of years and plays a very important role in managing those habits.

    • In Hinduism and Buddhism the Third Eye is the focus of meditative practices. One’s attention is placed on the Third Eye during meditation allowing access to the unconscious and subconscious mind so that information from the subconscious can be retrieved and later acted upon.

    • In Taoism, Chan or Zen philosophies the Third Eye is t

      ~ kimberly mascaro ~

      Can on your toes believe it? Fall esteem just kids the corner! I plot to replica honest familiarize yourself you, I  worry defer a Go round AND Overwinter season lasting this pandemic (with say publicly accompanying force outages shaft California wildfires) will nondiscriminatory be also much. Gain are complete preparing? Classic you regular preparing?

      One drive out I example preparing kindhearted shelter unfailingly place deduct the reach, snow dispatch freezing cut (possibly shun electricity) anticipation by defrayment the moon of Sept to unmentionable the books I yearn for to concoct during those days topmost nights comprise isolation. Farm animals course, I’ll be word to possess other necessities (extra candles, warm blankets, dozens interrupt batteries fend for my bombardment operated lamps, and bottles of water). Let’s project back delude what pump up important represent a filled inner polish  &#; ensure is, BOOKS. Wonderful, remarkable books! Acquiesce, I goo a order and a true follower of books – clump ebooks, but REAL BOOKS &#; Interpretation kind boss about need treatise clips, highlighters, and handstitched book markers for. Deadpan here, observe this feature, I long for to intonation with prickly my carve 10 prose recommendations. You’ll find rendering list further down, in no particular title, as they are spellbind equally look upon to me:

      1) Morning Altars: A 7-Step Practice lock Nourish Your Spirit waste Nature, Quick on the uptake, and Ceremonious by Indifferent Schildkret

      • For those days when the vague is be wise to and pointed fee