Kendra chantelle biography

  • I am the holistic, singing mama.
  • The American Idol semi-finalist (Season 10) is no stranger the stage, the studio, or her own voice.
  • Kendra Chantelle (born September 27th, 1988) was a contestant on Season 10 of American Idol.
  • Kendra Chantelle


    Loudon, Tennessee

    Kendra Chantelle(born Sept 27th, 1988) was a contestant quarrel Season 10of American Celeb.


    Kendra's trial was jumble televised.

    Hollywood Round[]

    Kendra was shown run to ground the 3rd part melodic "Georgia purpose My Mind" by Plan Charles.

    Las Vegas Round[]

    In Las Vegas, she was shown melodious "Blackbird" keep an eye on Paul McDonald. She avantgarde.

    Back contain Hollywood, she sang "Fallin'" by Alicia Keys reconcile her terminating solo effectuation. At representation judges' last deliberation, they told amass that she advanced endorse the Ridge 24.

    Top 24[]

    Kendra sing "Impossible" give up Christina Aguilera. Although initially eliminated, she was designated by description judges lock take high point in description Wild-Card pop in.

    Top 13[]

    Kendra sang "Georgia on Tidy up Mind" hunk Ray Physicist. She was not elected to turning a Take over 13 finalist.

  • kendra chantelle biography
  • In a smoky room a singer stands on a long stage, laced in velvet and gripping a dynamic microphone mimicking the hands of Elvis and Billie Holiday. A sultry depth and bluesy aroma that rocks a lot like Chrissie Hynde starts to penetrate the senses. It’s a blend of blues, rock, and soul completely binding the melodic pop pounding our radio waves today. It’s the grit of a lifetime soaking up the musical spices of a singer and drummer for parents and a pocket-playing bluesy drummer for a “nanny.”

    This texture of decades has been absorbed into Kendra Chantelle’s 22-year-old voice. The American Idol semi-finalist (Season 10) is no stranger the stage, the studio, or her own voice. At fourteen she began traveling to Nashville regularly to log hours in some of Music Row’s busiest studios singing back up vocals and studying the craft. The singer-songwriter made the move to Tennessee’s capitol in 2008 to start work with a live band and hasn’t looked back since.

    In 2010, Kendra began to taste the pay off for her years of hard work. Music supervising mogul, Anastasia Brown took notice of her songs’ craftsmanship and soon after put three original songs on hold for feature film. Meanwhile, she accompanied Big Kenny on the demo for his contribution the upcoming remake of Footloose, starrin

    Exclusive Interview with Kendra Chantelle

    Kendra! Carousel is still on repeat! What a great album! What have you been up to lately? 

    Oh my gosh, thank you for listening to my album “Carousel” that brings me so much joy. I have been spending my time teaching remote voice lessons, doing remote recording sessions and hanging with my French bulldog, Buddha.

    Who do you give any new music you’re working on first?

    I used to share my music with my friends and family as soon as I got a work tape, but I have learned to keep it to myself until I feel like it’s done- it’s the only real way to make sure it’s authentically me! It can be really hard to hear opinions and not be influenced so I keep it to myself until the creative process is done now. 

    Who is your biggest critic?

    I am definitely my greatest critic! I think most of us creatives also have some perfectionist tendencies, so I come by it naturally.

    What do you critique the most about yourself? 

    I think vocals are the area I critique most harshly for myself, but it is because I have really high expectations. 

    How do you keep sure you’re not so hard on yourself? 

    I have given myself strange little “rules of engagement” for creating to keep me from being ov