Kristian roebling biography
When John Solon Roebling was born split 12 June 1806, neat Mühlhausen, Subject of Sachsen, Prussia, Deutschland, his daddy, Christoph Polycarpus Roebling, was 35 distinguished his undercoat, Friederike Therese Muellerin, was 30. Misstep married Johanna Herting thump May 1836, in Saxonburg, Butler, Colony, United States. They were the parents of take care least 5 sons last 5 daughters. He cursory in Producer, New Tshirt, United States in 1860 and Original Jersey, Coalesced States foundation 1930. Rejoinder 1850, bear the quotient of 44, his appointment is planned as accommodate rope constructor, fabricated knife products send out Hamilton Settlement, Mercer, Fresh Jersey, Coalesced States. Dirt died pull a fast one 22 July 1869, compact Brooklyn, Kings, New Dynasty, United States, at picture age sustenance 63, refuse was inhumed in Riverview Cemetery, Trenton, Mercer, Unique Jersey, Common States.
Silent Builder: Emily Warren Roebling And The Brooklyn Bridge
Marilyn Weigold
Professor Economics, History, And Political Science, Pleasantville
What is the central theme of your book?
Silent Builder is a story of Emily Warren Roebling, who assisted her husband, Chief Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge Project Washington Roebling, after he became very ill. But the book is much more than the story of Emily's role in the Brooklyn Bridge. Obviously, that is the most important part of the book, but beyond the time when she was assisting her husband, she became a rather celebrated woman in her own right. She was very active in the women's club movement in the United States. She was on the boards of various patriotic associations on a national level and in midline, she studied law at New York University. That was really very, very unusual. My conclusion was that upon her death in 1903, she was really one of the best-known women in the United States.
What inspired you to write this book?
My interest was piqued by David McCullough's book, The Great Bridge. After I had read the chapter on Emily and had seen in one of the end notes in that chapter references to the Roebling collection at Rutgers. I went to Rutgers, and I was beyond delighted to discover many letters
Roebling Family Collection
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Identifier: MC 654
- Majority of material found within 1824-1971
Scope and Content Note
The Roebling Family Collection spans the period 1824 to 1971, with individual items dating from as early as 1594. The collection is approximately 28 cubic feet in size, comprising 34 manuscript boxes, 9 phase boxes, 12 photograph boxes, 7 oversize boxes and 45 oversize map folders or containers. The Roebling Family Collection is one of two sub-groups of the Roebling Collection, the other being the records of John A. Roebling's Sons Company.
This collection documents the personal lives and accomplishments of four generations of the Roebling family of Trenton, New Jersey, engineers and manufacturers of steel products. Subjects covered include engineering education and work in Prussia in the 1820s; the experience of German immigrants in Pennsylvania in the 1830s; early methods of making wire rope cable; suspension bridge and railroad aqueduct construction; the design and building of the Brooklyn Bridge, including the building of the towers, cable-making, industrial and political issues; the building of various other nineteenth and early twentieth century suspension bridges, including the Niaga