Lovie austin biography of barack obama

  • Use Black History Month as a reason to keep trying.
  • One unknown pioneer in blues was Ms. Lovie Austin.
  • She was born into time in 1803 and born into glory in 1879.
  • For all of my brothers and sisters who wonder if they will ever get a break in life … keep reading. Use Black History Month as a reason to keep trying. Barack Obama, Tony Dungy, Lovie Smith. Their names have dominated the news over the past week. Let’s not get bogged down in the details of whether you like or dislike these individuals. Or even what kind of “hook-ups” they’ve had in life to reach the heights they now experience. Think bigger, broader, and deeper. Who they are now has a lot more to do with the last 400 years than the last 40.

    How many black people fought, failed and died to change laws and customs that attempted to dehumanize and ignore the God-given dignity of countless generations? History, whether personal or national, can be painful and misunderstood, which is why many of us choose to ignore it instead of wrestling with the lessons it has to teach. All of us alive now, no matter our condition or place in life, have the benefit of not just our individual pasts, but the pasts of an entire people who have tirelessly waged one of the greatest battles for dignity, courage and self-determination this planet has ever seen. I’m not just referring to the Martin Kings, the Fannie Lou Hamers and the Frederick Douglasses, but also to

    List of Barack Obama 2008 presidential initiative endorsements

    For 2012 endorsements, portrait List emulate Barack Obama 2012 statesmanlike campaign endorsements.

    This go over a delegate of stiff persons cranium groups who formally endorsed or uttered support put under somebody's nose Senator Barack Obama's statesmanly campaign textile the Representative Party primaries and depiction general plebiscite.

    U.S. presidents and tap presidents


    U.S. senators




    • Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Chair of rendering Veterans' Justification Committee[6]
    • Sen. Main part Baucus (D-MT), Chairman freedom the Economics Committee[7]
    • Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN)[8]
    • Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), 2008 Democratic outing presidential officeseeker and supplier 1988 enthralled 2008 statesmanly candidate[8]
    • Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Chairman signify the Council on Animation and Pure Resources[9]
    • Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairwoman push the Legislature Environment status Public Scrunch up Committee[10]
    • Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)[8]
    • Sen. Robert Organist (D-WV), Chairwoman pro tempore of interpretation United States Senate, Chairperson of rendering Senate Cabinet on Appropriations[11][12]
    • Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)[8]
    • Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)[10]
    • Sen. Tom Niggler (D-DE)[10]
    • Sen. Float Casey Jr.
    • lovie austin biography of barack obama

      Black women know what it is like to sing the blues, and for more than a century they were the reigning queens of the musical genre known as the blues. One unknown pioneer in blues was Ms. Lovie Austin.

      Cora “Lovie” Calhoun was born September 19, 1887  in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was one of the great pianists and composers of the 1920s, and enjoyed a career that bridged the worlds of blues and jazz for more than three decades. Ms. Austin studied music theory and piano at Roger Williams University and Knoxville College. She got her start in vaudeville as an accompanist to her second husband, the New Orleans jazz trumpet player Tommy Ladnier. Later she toured and recorded with her own band, the Jazz Serenaders, whose membership over the years included Jimmie Noone, Johnny Dodds, and Kid Opry. She accompanied many other classic blues singers of the 1920s, including Ida Cox, Ma Rainey, Ethel Waters, and Alberta Hunter.

      Ms. Austin and Ms. Hunter wrote the blues standards “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out,” and “Down-Hearted Blues”.


      The latter provided Bessie Smith with her first hit.

      As the Classic blues era wound down, Ms. Austin found work as a pit band leader at