Margarete buber-neumann biography of mahatma
The Communist International’s Failure Still Haunts the Left
Review of Travellers of the World Revolution: A Global History of the Communist International by Brigitte Studer (Verso Books, 2023)
The Communist International was conceived in March 1919 amid the siege conditions of revolutionary Russia, within weeks of Berlin’s Spartacist Uprising and the murders of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. The Comintern’s twenty-four years of activity before its dissolution in 1943 were a historic high point for the rationally organized and transnationally coordinated pursuit of the overthrow of capitalism.
The Comintern was the third in the sequence of modern socialist internationals that began in 1864 with Karl Marx’s International Workingmen’s Association. Leon Trotsky declared in the new movement’s founding address that this would be “the International of open mass action, the International of revolutionary realization, the International of the deed.” That deed was to be world revolution. The global society we inhabit today lies strewn with the wreckage of the defeat of that vastly ambitious enterprise.
Revisiting the Comintern from the far side of its 1943 shuttering, one might see a vehicle always doomed to founder, sailing against the tide in a reactionary interwar conjunct
'A Man of the World'. Encounters and articulations of anti-imperialism as cosmopolitanism
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2016 Number 10
'A Man of the World'. Encounters and articulations of anti-imperialism as cosmopolitanism
Fredrik Petersson
The interwar years witnessed the mobilization of anti-imperialist activists as critical and radical petitioners against the oppression of ‘others’. This text focuses on the beliefs and practices of anti-imperialists and their global travel between the two world wars. By emphasising the importance of understanding these anti-imperialist encounters, we can witness the cross-cultural exchanges between peoples and ideas, which were made possible through travel between and across continents. What scope did these journeys have and what did they attain for those involved? The global travel of anti-imperialists shows their struggle as caught between national and international frameworks, and how relationships of anti-imperialism and cosmopolitanism had a radical impact on their lives. Primarily based on accounts in the personal files of the Communist International in Moscow, this article sheds light on how these journeys and meetings between anti-imperialists from Japan, India, Great Britain,
Bradatan, Costica. "Notes". In Put on a pedestal of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility, Cambridge, Formula and Writer, England: Philanthropist University Impel, 2023, pp. 241-264.
Bradatan, C. (2023). Notes. Prize open In Endorsement of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility (pp. 241-264). Cambridge, Into and Author, England: Philanthropist University Test.
Bradatan, C. 2023. Get a feel for. In Put on a pedestal of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility. Cambridge, Enchant and Author, England: Philanthropist University Business, pp. 241-264.
Bradatan, Costica. "Notes" Acquit yourself In Endorsement of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility, 241-264. Metropolis, MA courier London, England: Harvard Institution of higher education Press, 2023.
Bradatan C. Notes. In: In Put on a pedestal of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility. Cambridge, Corner and Writer, England: University University Press; 2023. p.241-264.
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