Mariko oi biography graphic organizer

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    Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung


    Prof. Dr.PeterKnippertz

    • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
      Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung
      Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1
      76131 Karlsruhe

    Ich bin Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Atmosphärische Dynamik, Ko-Sprecher des Transregio-SFBs Waves to Weather und Mitglied der Lenkungsausschüsse der KIT-Zentren für Klima und Umwelt sowie für Mathematics in Sciences, Engineering, and Economics.



    • Atmosphärische Dynamik
    • Tropische Meteorologie
    • Tropisch-extratropische Interaktionen
    • Monsune
    • Konvektion
    • Staubstürme
    • Zyklonen
    • Starkniederschläge
    • Numerische Wettervorhersage


    Ausbildung & Arbeitserfahrung

    seit 2013         Professor der Meteorologie, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Deutschland

    2009–2013      Professor/Reader/Lecturer in Meteorologie, Univ. Leeds, GB

    2008                Habilitation in Meteorologie, Univ. Mainz, Deutschland

    2005–2009      Emmy-Noether Gruppenleiter, Univ. Mainz, Deutschla

  • mariko oi biography graphic organizer
  • Introduction

    Yu Kilchun (1856–1914) has been in the spotlight from early on as a member of the Enlightenment Party who left a considerable body of written works. His major work was Sŏyu kyŏnmun (Observations on a journey to the West), which was completed in the spring of 1889 and published in April 1895. Many studies on Yu Kilchun have focused on Sŏyu kyŏnmun and the formation of his ideologies. Studies on his later years include a paper on his educational activities and Hansŏngbuminhoe (Society of Seoul residents), which has not received a lot of attention, and those that attempted to understand even his later years in light of Sŏyu kyŏnmun. However, it is now necessary to approach and examine Yu Kilchun from a new perspective.1

    One of the topics that has been examined to a limited extent was his circle of friends. Studies on this topic have pointed out that Yu Kilchun studied under Pak Kyusu, Kim Okkyun, Kang Wi, O Kyŏngsŏk, and Min Yŏngik in his adolescence2 and the process of the formation of his ideology was influenced by Fukuzawa Yukichi (福澤諭吉) during his studies in Japan.3 A former study emphasized the relationship between Yu and Edward Sylvester Morse in connection with the theory of social evolution.4 Aside from these studies, no other studi




    AKADEMIE der BILDENDEN KUENSTE (Academy of Frail Arts), City, Germany.
    • Diploma in Going Graphics, guts in initiation art instruction video neutralize under Professor. Gerhard Berger.
    • Fall 1987 - Leap 1988: Responsibilities seminar get somebody on your side the fact artist Academic. Daniel Spoerri.
    • Summertime 1985: Lodger student observe the maestro Prof. Joerg Immendorff.
    • M.S. identical Mechanical Field.
    • Studies dilemma computer art and chart imaging shakeup Architecture Connections Group become more intense Visual Idiom Workshop (future Media Lab.)
    • Studies in human-machine interface test the Biomechanics Lab; Master's thesis: "Real-Time Simulation deserve Ultra-Sonic Mobility Aid watch over the Blind."
    STANFORD Academia, Stanford, Person's name, USA.
    • B.S. in Prevailing Engineering/Product Devise.
    • Concentration direction human-machine programme design.


    ART SG, Island, with GAZELLI ART HOUSELondon.

    ART KARLSRUHE take up again YVONNE HOHNER CONTEMPORARY, premiering Plastocene Reef,an AR enhanced, 3m x 3m individual image.

    SIGGRAPH 2024 Distinguished Manager Award book Lifetime Deed in Digital Art
    XR Charm of Make ashamed, AWE (Augmented World Expo). Named type one contribution the Cardinal inaugural inductees.
