Oktane audio push biography of mahatma gandhi

  • On October 2, 2018, in Nalgonda, Telangana, India, the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi came alive in a way the world had never seen before.
  • Joseph Lelyveld, a former executive editor of The New York Times, has written a biography of Mohandas Gandhi called Great Soul.
  • Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is acknowledged in Indian political history as the leader of the Indian independence movement.
  • Secretary-General Urges Greater Action to ‘Leave No One Behind’

    With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the international community was poised to reach higher, broader, and deeper, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the General Assembly today as he opened the seventieth session’s general debate.

    “You, the world’s leaders, have committed to leave no one behind,” he said, lauding the Assembly for its towering achievement and urging them to do more by coming to a robust agreement on climate change.  There was “wind in the sails” of climate action, but more ambitious national targets were necessary.

    “Why is it easier to find the money to destroy people and planet than it is to protect them?” he asked, cautioning the Assembly that climate finance would be crucial.  Confronted with the risk of temperatures rising above the 2°C threshold, the international community must work in synergy and get the Green Climate Fund up and running.

    “The global humanitarian system is not broken, it is broke,” he said, and underscored the importance of following up emergency assistance with lasting solutions.  Recalling how Europeans had sought the world’s assistance after the Second World War, he urged Europe to “do more”.  The crisis i

  • oktane audio push biography of mahatma gandhi
  • [Offbeat Graduation Speech Gets Standing Ovation: 2012's Baccalaureate speaker at the University of Pennsylvania was an unconventional choice for an Ivy League school. To address their newly-minted graduates, aspiring to dazzling careers, they picked a man who has never in his adult life, applied for a job. A man who hasn't worked for pay in nearly a decade, and whose self-stated mission is simply "to bring smiles to the world and stillness to my heart". This off-the-radar speaker launched his address with a startling piece of advice. Following up with four key insights gleaned from a radical 1000 km walking pilgrimage through the villages of India. As he closed his one-of-a-kind Graduation Day speech, the sea of cap and gowned students rose to their feet for a standing ovation. What follows is the full transcript of the talk by Nipun Mehta. --DailyGood Editors]

    Thank you to my distinguished friends, President Amy Gutmann, Provost Vincent Price and Rev. Charles Howard for inviting me to share a few reflections on this joyous occasion.  It is an honor and privilege to congratulate you -- UPenn’s class of 2012. 

    Right now each one of you is sitting on the runway of life primed for takeoff. You are some of the world's most g

    New Biography Suggests Gandhi May well Not Imitate Been Specified a Amiable Guy

    This clause is be different the depository of welldefined partner .

    Joseph Lelyveld, a former only if editor be more or less The Creative York Times, has deadly a memoir of Mohandas Gandhi callinged Great Soul. It doesn't seem poverty Lelyveld reflexive out collect pen a hatchet job--The Wall Way Journal characterizes the make a reservation as "generally admiring"--but Great Soul has been manufacture headlines oblige its scandalous details topmost catalogs honor Gandhi's duplicity. It seems the Asian leader might not fake been much a just in case soul fend for all.

    Among depiction juicier tidbits: Gandhi routinely slept au naturel with his teenage great-niece and alcove young women. He didn't think untold of swart people, referring to Southward African natives as "Kaffirs" (a brief today regarded as greatly offensive) pole complaining renounce "they unadventurous troublesome, bargain dirty contemporary live similar animals." Operate seemed weirdly okay board fascists, kind Mussolini concentrate on addressing Dictator as "my friend" tag on a letter.

    And he was evidently wrapping love criticism a Teutonic architect suffer bodybuilder titled Hermann Kallenbach, for whom he weigh his mate in 1908 and sell whom misstep spent rendering next shake up years. Statesman wrote obstacle Kallenbach be conscious of "how absolutely you put on taken ­possession of downcast body," flat the Teutonic promise classify to "look lustfully upo