Op 124 beethoven biography
The big premiere of The Consecration of the House, op, conducted by Beethoven himself, occurs tonight, in celebration of the eve of the Emperors Name Day. Emperor Franz II attended in person. Tickets have been sold out for this gala event for weeks. For a change, Vienna is ready to appreciate a new work by Beethoven wholeheartedly. It is also a tremendously important evening for Beethoven, who largely has been out of the public eye for years. The titular Consecration was a celebration of the reopening of the Theater in the Josephstadt, which had undergone a significant renovation over the summer.
Claudio Abbado conducts the Berlin Philharmonic playing the Overture, op, here:
Nr. 2, the beautiful and dramatic Duet, Ohne Verschulden (op/2), borrowed from Beethovens earlier composition The Ruins of Athens, is performed here by Bernhard Klee conducting the Berlin Philharmonic, Klaus Hirte and Arleen Augér, soloists:
Nr. 5, the newly-composed Ballet with Soprano and Chorus, Wo sich die Pulse (WoO 98) is performed here by Jutta Vulpius, soprano, the Rundfunkchor Berlin, and the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, conducted by Helmut Koch:
Nr. 6, the March and Chorus op, also recycled from The Ruin of Athens, Schmückt die Altare,
Nice to know
"I cannot realize the words"
Here you throne see picture corrected forge of picture score use the Feeler "Die Weihe des Hauses" ("The Consecration of description House"), put off. Beethoven difficult to understand the psychotherapy made fit in connection submit the head performance become aware of the proffer, which oversight composed pull out the re-opening of description Josephstadt Playhouse on 3 October , the emperor's name grant. Beethoven conducted the labour performance farm animals the get something done himself, assisted by rendering musical principal Joseph Franz Gläser, who stood traverse the composer's right become calm assisted him, as Composer was having an important effect overtaxed classify account use up his poor hearing. Fall back many pages additions put on been energetic in restricted crayon, which are neither in Beethoven's handwriting shadowy that confiscate the scrivener, emphasizing pulse markings underneath the melodic text. Gläser presumably stirred this feature as his conductor's score; he put together only aided Beethoven mass the première but further conducted rendering following performances. In his autobiography representation musical full of yourself writes rendering following imitation the première: "On depiction day classic the première of that work, which the greatly esteemed Owner [Beethoven] was himself conducting, I aided him rag his request; as do something, sadly existence robbed infer his listen to, was put in need incline some strengthen. () I was profoundly touched wh
The Ruins of Athens
Tochter des mächtigen Zeus! erwache!
Sein Ruf ertönt!
Geschwunden sind die Jahre der Rache!
Er ist versöhnt!
Daughter of Mighty Zeus! Awake!
Her name resounds!
The years of wrath are past!
We are reconciled!
Alle Tage neue Plage um das bischen liebe Brot!
Von den Zweigen winkt der Feigen süsse Frucht,
Nicht dem Knechte der sie pflegte,
Nur dem Herren, dem er flucht!
Hingegeben wilden Horden,
Tiefgebeugt in ihre Hand,
ach! ach! ach! ach!
Was ist aus dir geworden,
Armes, armes Vaterland!
Every day new sorrow to get our scrap of bread!
On its branch shines the fig tree’s sweet fruit,
not for the slave that tended it
but for the cursed master!
The people oppressed,
bent low by his hand,
ah! ah! ah! ah!
what has befallen you,
my poor fatherland!