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Oral Presentations
OP01: Endoscopy in Spine Surgery
A001: Assessing the learning process of endoscopic surgery for sciatica
Pravesh Gadjradj1 and Biswadjiet Harhangi2
1Neurological Surgery, Weill Cornell, New York, United States
2Neurological Surgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Objective: Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (PTED) is gaining popularity by both surgeons and patients as a less invasive treatment option for sciatica. Concerns, however, exist for its learning curve. No previous study has assessed the learning process of PTED. Hereby we present the learning process of three surgeons learning PTED. Methods: This analysis was conducted alongside a multicenter randomized controlled trial. After attending a cadaveric workshop, three spine dedicated surgeons started performing PTED, initially under supervision of a senior surgeon. After each 5 cases, and up to case 20, the learning process was evaluated using the validated questionnaires (OSATS, GOALS) and a 10-step checklist specifically developed for PTED. Results: In total, 3 learning curve surgeons performed a total of 161 cases. Based on self-assessment, surgeons improved mostly in the domains “Time and Motion”, “Respect for Tissue”, and “Knowledge a
Autumn 2024 Dean's List
Campus News | Friday, January 10, 2025
Over 5,700 students made the Dean's List for Autumn 2024. Find and share your name!
The Dean's List is for students who have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher and have completed 6 credit hours or more for the semester. About the Dean’s List.
- Abad, Ailyn
- Abaker, Ishag
- Abban, Michelle
- Abdalla, Isha
- Abdelkarim, Layaly
- Abdelqader, Samya
- Abdelrahman, Issa
- Abdelrahman, Mariam
- Abdi, Ahlam
- Abdi, Asia
- Abdi, Ayan
- Abdi, Essak
- Abdi, Habibo
- Abdi, Hafsa
- Abdi, Semoon
- Abdikadir, Faiza
- Abdille, Naimo
- Abdille, Shadibi
- Abdon, Devon
- Abdulaali, Hind
- Abdulahi, Hibaq
- Abdulkadir, Zainab
- Abdullah, Yusuf
- Abdullahi, Abdinur
- Abdullahi, Cabdullahi
- Abdullahi, Halima
- Abdullahi, Halima
- Abdullahi, Hindiyo
- Abdullahi, Ilham
- Abdullahi, Ilhan
- Abdullahi, Maryama
- Abdullahi, Nastexo
- Abdullahi, Sakariye
- Abdulrahman, Mustariya
- Abdurahim, Leyla
- Abed, Aws
- Abed, Aysha
- Abel, Grayson
- Abele, Bryce
- Aberbour, Sofiane
- Abfalter-Scott, Garryt
- Abid, Abir
- Ables, Alex
- Abner, Grace
- Abood, Zaid
- Aboukhalaf, Nasma
- Abrams, Caylee
- Abrams, Emily
- Abrigg, Emily
- Abu, Aamina
- Abu, Katima
- Abukar, Rania
- Abukweik, Amer
- Abu-Kweik, Naseel
- Abukweik, Reem
- Abulaban, Hala
- Abulkhanov, Dzhaudat
- Abu-Rayyan, Mohammed
- Abu
Empire State Further education college Dean’s List
Marian Therese Abangan
Alyson Abbatantono
Gabrielle Abbene
Amber Abbey
Liliana Abdeldayem
Mohammed Kadhim Abdul Karim
Tahirah Abdus-Sabur
Amirha Abisse
Christen Abraham
Abigail Abramowitz
Brian Abrams
Christopher Abrams
Lauren Abruzzo
Jenin Abuhamda
Rookmin Abzal
Claudia Aceto
Alev Acil
Joseph Ackerman
Ashley Adams
Brett Adams
Otis Adams
Melissa Addie
Savannah Addison
Ramo Ademovic
Fausat Adetola
Joy Adeyemi
Anita Adimkpayah
Manfred Adjin-Tettey
Abdullah Adlah
Bisma Aftab
Desmond Agbloe
ElbaLisa Agha
Aynur Aghayeva
Amanda Agoney
Aneisa Agosto
Gabriella Agro-Terranera
Jameelah Ahmed
Omar Ahmed
Atheen Ajay
Ayodele Ajose
Faija Alam
Maria Alam
Buthaina Alariki
Janely Alayon
Samantha Alayon
Madison Alberico
Alexis Albino
Mark Albrecht
Pamela Alcantara
Levi Alderson
Breanna Alesci
Julia Alexander
Kalista Alfano
Linda Alfaro Baires
Robert Alford III
Ali Ali
Usman Aliyu Aliyu
Maryam Al-Kalai
Gillian Allatta