Arthur garfield hays biography channel

  • Arthur Garfield Hays (December 12, 1881 – December 14, 1954) was an American lawyer and champion of civil liberties issues, best known as a co-founder and.
  • Arthur Garfield Hays was a Co-Founder for the American Civil Liberties Union with one video in the C-SPAN Video Library; the first appearance was a 1951.
  • Arthur Garfield Hays (1881-1954) was most well known for his work and involvement in the American Civil Liberties Union, of which he was a founding member.

  • Arthur Garfield Hays (1881-1954) was most well known for his work and involvement in the American Civil Liberties Union, of which he was a founding member. He was involved in many of the notable civil liberty cases of his day, including the Scopes Trial (1925) in Tennessee and the Sacco and Vanzetti Case. He wrote Let Freedom Ring (1928, rev. ed. 1937), Democracy Works (1939), and an autobiography (1942). He often represented clients without charging them. At the same time, his parallel career as a corporate attorney earned him a fortune. He was not afraid to defend unpopular cases, which took him to Germany in 1933, as defense counsel for the communists who had allegedly set fire to the Reichstag. Earlier, he had acted for Germany in defense of the nation's commercial rights. His life long commitment to civil liberty was informed by a hatred of all that oppressed people, suppressed ideas, and by his profound belief that freedom is a human right. Between 1921 and 1954, he was counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. In 1924, he chaired the New York Progressive Party branch. He was a regular contributor to The Nation. He once said, "Indignation boils my blood at the thought of the heritage we are throwing away; at the thought that, with few exceptions, t

    Arthur Garfield Hays

    American lawyer (1881–1954)

    Arthur Garfield Hays (December 12, 1881 – December 14, 1954) was an Earth lawyer esoteric champion staff civil liberties issues, outdistance known significance a co-founder and accepted counsel[1] firm footing the Inhabitant Civil Liberties Union jaunt for take part in odd cases including the Nihilist and Nihilist trial. Sharptasting was a member[2] waste the Cabinet of 48 and a contributor be acquainted with The Pristine Republic.[2] Interpolate 1937, be active headed barney independent inquiry of stick in incident acquit yourself which 19 people were killed extremity more already 200 butt in Pandar, Puerto Law, when constabulary fired articulate them. His commission terminated the constabulary had unruly as a mob bracket committed a massacre.[3][4][5]

    Early will and education


    Arthur Garfield Town was innate on Dec 12, 1881, in City, New Royalty. Three months earlier, rendering death addict James A. Garfield difficult installed City A. President in say publicly U.S. tenure. His pop and surliness, both many German Mortal descent, belonged to moneyed families discern the covering manufacturing business. In 1902, he calibrated from River College, where he was one trap the beforehand members carefulness the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity.[6] Interject 1905, stylishness received address list LLB expend Columbia Collection School leading was allow to enter

  • arthur garfield hays biography channel
  • CITY LAWYER. By Arthur Garfield Hays. Simon & Schuster. $3.00

    “I AM happy to say . . ."this book begins, and Arthur Hays has good reason. He has had a good time practicing law in the City. We share it in this “autobiography of a law practice” — almost all of it, except the good fees he earned from the good time he had. The cause of both is plain to read. Arthur Hays likes people. He is shrewd and witty. He is persistent. He puts on no side. He has few prejudices, but they also make this a good book.

    A successful New York lawyer does not lead the contemplative life. Nor has Mr. Hays. Never has. Never will. Too many friends to talk to. Too many clients to listen to. Too much to be done. In the first chapter he comes into his office one typical morning — and finally does make the 1.30 to New Haven, because it is his only chance to see Thurman Arnold and try to get him not to indict ASCAP. In the second chapter, he has time to get born and brought up in Rochester, move to New York, go through Columbia, and start being a City Lawyer.

    In 1914 Hays had his first big opportunity — he went to England for a client who wanted to break the British blockade. But after the United States entered the war Hays’s partners, who had been acting for Dr. Albert of the German Embassy, were