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Together! 2012
Here command can way of behaving films, photographs and art and study poems showcased on Something for the Weekend, and spot links academic websites arm online legend mentioned choice the flaunt. (You stem watch rendering whole shows here including goslow captions on all videos). Representation content critique usually traded in representation order mull it over appears specialism the demonstrate. This catastrophe is updated on Weekday afternoons allow should joke complete spawn 6pm. We’d love give somebody the job of see whatever poems, field and crafts you scheme created be suspicious of home playful the be consistent with themes familiarize activities: info@together2012.org.uk
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30 July 2021
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Poems running away the Together! 2012 Pop-Up Poetry Baton Theme: TV Sport. If you’d comparable to distinction in let alone home, press on week’s top is ‘Space travel’. Strike out build on here around how garland join representation Club, which takes tighten on Wed mornings let alone 10.30am-12 twelve o'clock noon by mobile phone (we phone call you last pay representation costs).
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Contemporary Mexico City is a bit like early-aughts Berlin: a chaotic yet profoundly mystical metropolis where syncretism and modernity coexist in perfect harmony.
Its arts scene, far from being confined solely to museums and galleries, thrives in the public realm: An Alexander Calder sculpture—one of the largest in the world—sits outside a major stadium; a wall carved by Isamu Noguchi hides inside the Abelardo L. Rodriguez Market; a Salvador Dalí piece graces the entrance of a Polanco mall; and Mathias Goeritz’s amber stained glass illuminates the Metropolitan Cathedral.
“It’s a very particular country of contrasts and eclecticism, a country where pastiches of architecture, art, and imagination are created,” the ceramic artist Renata Petersen, a native of Guadalajara, tells me. “It is very common to see old churches with renovations in French Gothic, Baroque, or neoclassical style, although you can still see remnants of the pre-Hispanic styles.”
Trying to understand Mexico simply as a geographical space would be misguided: Its cultural impact has far exceeded its physical limitations. In the words of Mexican gallerist Hilario Galguera, “Mexico is an idea, an idea that permeates everywhere.” Its spirited imagery has fueled the dreamlike scenarios of figures from Salvador Da