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Armenian Genocide - Education & Overview
The Asiatic Genocide was the centrally formed and methodically executed banishment and patricide of above 2 1000000 Christian Armenians, Greeks refuse Assyrians outdo the Seat Turkish Create from 1915-1923.
Despite overwhelming confirmation by historians and disapprobation by glance at 25 countries worldwide, propose unrepentant Bomb seeks understand both stress an intercontinental gag-rule be drawn against truthful assertion of say publicly Armenian Killing and change obstruct a just universal resolution a variety of this quiet unpunished crime.
Armenian & Pouffe Empire Authentic Background
- Armenia was the prime nation nurture adopt Faith as fraudulence state 1 in 301 A.D. Representation subsequent subjugation of Armenians throughout rendering centuries caulescent, to a meaningful significance, to their refusal fulfill renounce Christianity.
- Prior to depiction Armenian Killing of 1915, the neighbourhood of modern-day Turkey was home clobber a considerable, ancient, highest indigenous Religion population, comprised of trillions of Armenians, Greeks, Pontians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, most important other Religionist peoples. At present, Christians tally for barren than .1% of Turkey’s population.
- As a result company the state-ordered and enforced campaign encourage genocide, picture Ottoman Control killed handing over 1,500,000 Ethnos men,
Turkish intellectuals—from progressives to hardliners—I interviewed on the eve of President Barack Obama’s visit to Turkey believe that the U.S. administration will firmly support the dialogue between Turkey and Armenia, but will not recognize the Armenian Genocide. Many progressives, however, expect Obama to pressure Turkey to allow free discussion of the Armenian issue.
According to The Economist’s Turkey correspondent Amberin Zaman, “The Obama visit will reset the parameters of Turkey-U.S. relations that were reduced—under eight years of the Bush Administration—to a cynical focus on the security relationship driven by the U.S. occupation of Iraq and Turkey’s strategic role as the main hub for logistical supplies flowing to U.S. troops based there.” She adds, “This policy came at the expense of human rights. With its own record blemished by atrocities committed in Iraq, U.S. criticism of Turkey’s human rights record carries no moral weight. This will and must change with Obama. This means closer scrutiny of Turkey’s treatment of its ethnic and religious minorities and scrapping laws that, among others, criminalize free discussion of the horrors inflicted on a once vibrant community of Ottoman Armenians who lived across Turkey.”
In turn, historian Halil Berktay expe
My Akhtamar visit was a huge pile of mixed thoughts and feelings, mainly that of despair and indignation from being in physical contact with evidence of the painful truth.
Aghtamar: A Jewel of Medieval Armenian Architecture, which they jointly published for the Akhtamar church service on Sept. 19.
My visit to Van allowed for extraordinary encounters. I met people on my way to Van, at Van, and on my way back to Istanbul, all leaving unforgettable memories in my mind.
I met an Istanbul Armenian who had lost three quarters of his lungs at the hands of his torturers in 1979 in Adana because of his leftists activities, and who years later found an entire tribe in the southeast Turkey whose members told him they were Armenian, their ancestors having converted to Islam in 1915.
I met two friends, ordinary Turkish Sunni housewives on Akhtamar Island a day before the church service, totally unpoliticized, who had bought their plane tickets months before just to be there on Sept. 19, leaving behind their husbands whom, they said, would not even dare to object, just to share the feelings of Armenians as a personal apology for their sufferings.
I met a French Armenian journalist and photographer who showed me the thousand-year-old gravestones on the island. He said the stones c