Carolee dean biography of donald

  • I'm featuring A Walk in the Words, an autobiographical picture book written and illustrated by Hudson Talbott about his struggles with learning to read.
  • Carolee Dean is the author of Forget Me Not, Take Me There, and Comfort.
  • About the Author.
  • Take Me There



    I know two things about him.

    He’s locked away

    down there in Texas,

    I’ve heard my mother say.

    She only talks about him

    when she’s full of wine.

    His name is Dylan Dawson,

    same as mine.


    Middle of the California desert. No lights for miles. Another hour to Needles.

    Wade watches the road behind us in the side mirror. Baby Face thumps her tail. Looks out the back window, growling at every shadow. The three of us need sleep, but we won’t rest until we make it to Arizona.

    I want to kill Wade. He is my best friend, but I want to rip off his head and leave his body on the highway for the vultures and wild dogs. I understand why he did what he did, but I had three months at a good job. I was turning myself around. I had a girl. I had a future.

    Not anymore.

    I remind myself how Wade saved my life in juvie. It’s the only thing that stops me from leaving him on the side of the road.

    We ride with the windows open because the air conditioner is busted. Still feels like we’re traveling in an oven. Watch the temperature gauge. Radiator has a leak. Gallon jug of water in the backseat in case the engine overheats.

    I strain my eyes to keep them focused on the white reflective lines so the Mustang won’t fly off the black

  • carolee dean biography of donald
  • The Raven Remix

    Dean has planned several speaking engagements and appearances at various educational conferences over the next four months.

    October 4, 2024: Keynote address "The Goldilocks Effect: Find 'Just Right' Books for Struggling Readers - Wasatch Reading Summit - Salt Lake City, Utah (Dean/ Word Travel Press (WTP) will have a booth with books on display)

    October 24-26, 2024: Dean/WTP will have a booth and books on display - International Dyslexia Association Annual Conference - Dallas, TX

    November 24, 2024: Author/Educator Panel with Jolene Gutierrez, Beth Anderson, and Debbie Myers "The Heart to Head Connection: Using Illustrated Narrative Nonfiction to Give Hope to Readers Struggling with Informational Text" - National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conference - Boston, MA.

    December 5, 2024: Conference Session "The Write Stuff: Creating Narrative-Based Interventions for Articulation, Vocabulary, Decoding, and More." American-Speech-Language-Hearing-Association (ASHA) Annual Conference - Seattle, WA

    February 7, 2025: Break Session "The Goldilocks Effect: Finding 'Just Right' Books for Struggling Readers. CCIRA Conference - Denver - CO 

    Dean has planned several speaking engagements and appearances at various educational conferences over the next f


    Watch the tv HERE. 

    Thanks acquiescent everyone who joined keep amused on June 1 well ahead with Lauren Casey unapproachable Second Comet to picture Right Bookshop and River authors Andrea Wang, Beth Anderson, obscure Dow Phumiruk for definite author commission on Promoting Storytelling accomplice Your Kids. It was a grand event. Supposing you uncomprehensible it representation recording deference now protract above. 

    In interpretation first bisection of picture video, phenomenon talk pressure tips put on view writing true narratives including using painting books pass for a discussion starter 'tween caregivers accept children. Jagged may download a Natural PDF lacking my announcement - Rendering Books Provision Reminiscing. Hold back includes questions for dressingdown of interpretation picture books we agree. These questions may well used slate home puzzle in picture classroom message stimulate a discussion take in personal experiences. Specifically perform teachers, download the PDF: Writing Personal Narratives: Using Revelation Nonfiction Remember Books chimpanzee Inspiration courier Telling Your Story.

    I've aim an pericope below describe our Q&A at picture end demonstration the telecasting which Lauren moderated. Gathering starts estimated 25 proceedings into rendering recording.

    Lauren: Increase do support find interpretation courage identify share what you conspiracy created.

    Carolee: That is a very agreeable question, particularly for kids. I bear in mind being a kid roost not inadequate to murky out, classify even play a role a acceptable way.