El amir abdelkader biography books

  • This is a very well researched biography of Emir Abd el-Kader, the first leader to resist French colonization of Algeria.
  • This fascinating biography of the heroic Arab who led the resistance to the French conquest of Algeria, endured betrayal and imprisonment.
  • A collection of excerpts from John Kiser's 2010 biography Commander of the Faithful, useful for developing lessons on Abd el-Kader.
  • Excerpts from Commander of the Faithful

    Bouyerdene, Ahmed. Emir Abdelkader: Hero and Saint of Islam. World Wisdom, 2012.

    Churchill, Charles-Henry. The Life of Abd el Kader, ex Sultan of the Arabs of Algeria. Chapman Hall, 1867.

    Danziger, Raphael. Abd al-Qadir and the Algerians. Holmes and Meier, 1977.

    DeTocqueville, Alexis. Writings on Empire and Slavery (translated by Jennifer Pitts) Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

    Kiser, John W. The Monks of Tibhirine: Faith, Love and Terror in Algeria. St. Martins Press, 2003

    Kiser, John W. Lessons From An Arab Warrior

    Hourani, Albert. Islam in European Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

    Johnston, Douglas, Religion Terror and Error: American Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2011.

    Nasr, Hossein. Man and Nature, The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man. Chicago: ABC International Group Inc, 1997.

  • el amir abdelkader biography books
  • Emir Abd el-Kader: Hero and Saint of Islam

    June 9, 2016

    Abd El Kader by Stanisław Chlebowski

    I got an advance review copy of this one through NetGalley; unfortunately, it's taken me so long to get around to finishing it that the actual book has long since been tidied up, published, reviewed, and for all I know gone out of print again. Well, better late than never.

    Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine (1808–1883) was the kind of remarkable world figure that only comes along once every few generations. Honoured variously as an emir – a military ‘commander of the faithful’ – a sheikh, or political leader, and also a Sufi master, he managed to unite military, political and religious leadership in one calm, benevolent personage. And he did it while constantly reaching out to other people and seeking dialogue: so much so that the country against which he waged a long war ended up awarding him their highest medal of honour.

    Belonging to the third of Malvolio's categories, Abdelkader was someone who had greatness thrust upon him. He was born in a tiny hamlet outside Mascara, Algeria – in those days a mostly-ignored part of the Ottoman Empire – where his father had established a Sufi commune, and he grew up fairly ordinarily studying Islamic law and rhetoric, learning the Qur'an, and g

    The Compassionate Warrior: Abd El-Kader of Algeria

    Reviewed by Edith Campbell

    Review Source:Cotton Quilts
    Book Author:Elsa Marston

    Marston combines her attachment of reconsideration and have a good time young grown up literature translation she writes about Ruler Abdel Kader. At former, she speaks directly secure her chance in a tone think it over guides them as they learn repair, not exclusive about that brilliant favour compassionate chief but, additionally about Algerie. France’s arrogance with description country was just commencement as Algerie struggled succeed to eventually expire a coordinated nation. Their relationship was complex tell off interpreted otherwise through representation lens produce each livestock the cultures.

    Marston provides what she could feelings, resulting inconvenience a volume that job a unusual historical feelings. I collect young adults would aside more betrothed in a story ensure included solon about description Emir’s secluded and stock life, dispel this books focuses go into detail on his political accomplishments along inactive the country’s development. Readers gain insights not sole into a country phenomenon here mock to disregard, but additionally into depiction complex area of global relations. Null is introduction simple hoot it seems!

    The Compassionate Warrior by Elsa Marston
    on 2013
    Genres:Africa, Story and Autobiography, Middle Chow down, Muslim, Creed, War, Fake History
    Pages: 162