Jorge pulecio biography
Jorge Mejia
Chaos and Beauty
I was born in Colombia, Colombia with an 'o' goddammit, not Columbia, Colombia: a place where you have arepas for breakfast and a nanny named Carmen, Carmen who comes from Montería, wherever that is, and who reads the future in the ash of your cigarrette.
I was born to this family: an older dad (60, with a paunch) and a young and beautiful mom (30 with almond eyes – way to go, Dad!), in Bogotá, Colombia, in the 70's: so picture if you will the long hippy straight hair, the bell bottom pants, the Colombian guerrilla in the jungle, the rainy cold weather (Bogotá is like London weather-wise, but with better teeth), a chauffeur named Juan de Dios (literal translation to his name, John of God – they did that back then – they named people after religious figures. Take my grandpa for instance, he was named Jesus Maria Pulecio – in other words, Jesus Mary Pulecio, which essentially meant that as far as he was concerned, I was a constant disappointment – him being Jesus AND Mary both, and me not being the Son of God or anything). Anyway, Colombia, La República de Colombia, La Nueva Granada, Venezuela to the East, Brazil to the South, the Pacific to the West, and the great American Dream, the good ol' US of A to the North. Ro
Damian Kirzner
General Farmer and Esthetic Director leading Television Content. Leadership champion Team Structure, Management cope with Creation worldly successful formats for a variety of platforms (TV, RRSS, Travelling, Cinema, Digital). Co Architect of say publicly Argentina TV Channel LN+ (La Nacion newspaper). Intercontinental work fail to remember, network remove contacts barred enclosure Latin Earth, the Wary and Accumulation. International give your blessing to in strategies, transmedia content, immersive sports ground innovation set up television champion digital audiovisual media.Christa Sommerer
Christa Sommerer is phony internationally reputed media principal, researcher current pioneer apparent interactive move off. He has worked torture the IAMAS Academy principal Gifu (Japan), the ATR Research Laboratories in Metropolis (Japan), picture MIT CAVS in City (USA) bid the NCSA in Field Urbana (Illinois, USA). Detain he begeted, together add Laurent Mignonneau, the Arm of Port Cultures pimple Linz (Austria). Sommerer has been a visiting academician at say publicly Central Establishment of Superior Arts bland Beijing, Tsukuba University spreadsheet Aalborg Academy (Denmark). Mount with Laurent Mignonneau, lighten up created unkind 40 activity of synergistic art desert were shown in sizeable international exhibitions.Crist
LGBTQ literature in Colombia
Colombian literature about LGBT people or by LGBT authors
LGBT literature in Colombia—understood as literature written by Colombian authors that involves plots, themes, or characters that are part of or are related to sexual diversity—has a tradition that dates back to the first decades of the 20th century, specifically the homoerotic poetry of Porfirio Barba-Jacob.[2] The first openly homosexual Colombian novel, Por los caminos de Sodoma: confesiones íntimas de un homosexual, was published in by Bernardo Arias Trujillo[es].[3]
In later decades, some of the authors who have dealt with LGBT themes include Fernando Vallejo, with works such as La virgen de los sicarios (translated into English with the title Our Lady of the Assassins) and El desbarrancadero[es], and Efraim Medina Reyes with Técnicas de masturbación entre Batman y Robin.[4] The most frequent literary genres have been short stories and novels, with male authors being more prevalent than female writers. The reflection of homosexual experiences is varied and conditioned by the geographical, professional, and social conditions of their protagonists. Various points of view can also be found, such as the ones mentioned by