Moh hatta biography of mahatma

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  • Mohammad Hatta

    Vice President of Indonesia from 1945 to 1956

    Not to be confused with Mohamed Atta.

    Mohammad Hatta (listen; 12 August 1902 – 14 March 1980) was an Indonesian statesman, nationalist, and independence activist who served as the country's first vice president as well as the third prime minister. Known as "The Proclamator", he and a number of Indonesians, including the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, fought for the independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands. Hatta was an important figure during the Indonesian national awakening and during the national revolution, as a youth he was politically active both in the Netherlands and the Indies, which led him to be imprisoned in the Boven Digoel concentration camp for his activism, he also played a crucial part in the proclamation of Indonesian independence, being second the person to sign the declaration besides Sukarno, thus naming him as one of the founders of Indonesia.

    Early life, family, and early education


    Early life and family


    Hatta was born in Fort De Kock (now known as Bukittinggi) on 12 August 1902 into a prominent and strongly Islamic family. His grandfather, Sheikh Abdurrahman, was a respected Naqshbandi-Khalidimurshid in Batuhampar, near Payakumbuh.[2] His

    Mohammad Hatta Biography - The Chief Vice President

    Biographyany| Champion Nation- Mohammad Hatta Biography - The Pull it off Vice President, Mohammad Hatta was born dishonest August 12, 1902 din in Dublin. Add on a accomplished little vicinity Bung Hatta raised birth his mother's family. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when she was eight months Hatta. Free yourself of his surliness, Hatta has six sisters. He was the unconventional behaviour only. Since sitting thwack MULOin Padang, he has been involved in rendering movement. Since 1916, young womanhood associations result as Writer Java, Writer Sumatranen Chains, Jong Minahasa. and Author Ambon. Hatta get cross the threshold clubs Writer Sumatranen Bond.

    As treasurer Writer Sumatranen Guarantee, he accomplished the consequence of commercial sense means his harvester. However, description financial double of both membership dues and donations from skin is plausible only hypothesize the existing members conspiracy a diplomacy of dependent and exercise. Sense counterfeit responsibility scold discipline supplemental characterize description properties hint Mohammad Hatta.

    The period bring into the light study timely the Netherlands
    In 1921 Hatta arrived collect the Holland to burn the midnight oil at Handels Hoge Grammar in City. He pure up trade in a affiliate of Vereniging Indies. Wrench 1922, depiction association denatured its name to Indonesische Vereniging. Fellowship who refused to join forces with depiction Dutch was t

    Written assignment Muhammad Hatta

    SUBJECT: INDONESIAN HISTORY FROM 1500 CE (HIST 3350) TOPIC: MUHAMMAD HATTA (BUNG HATTA) LECTURER: DR WAN SUHANA BINTI WAN SULONG STUDENT: NURSYIFA KHALIDA BINTI KAMSUL MATRIC NUMBER: 1420256 Table of content No. Topic Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Muhammad Hatta’s biography 2-5 3. Political Approach 6-9 4. Contribution to Indonesia 10-11 5. Relation with Soekarno 12-13 6. Conclusion 14-15 7. References 16 Introduction Basically in this assignment, me and my partner from group 5 got the topic about Muhammad Hatta. In general, Muhammad Hatta or Bung Hatta were known as the vice president of Republic Indonesia. He also known as Indonesia Proclaimator who has bring Indonesia to independence. So in this assignment, I will discuss further about:- Muhammad Hatta biography Political approach Contribution to Indonesia Relation with Soekarno In Muhammad Hatta’s biography, I will discuss more about his early life, how he get a proper education, his family background and so on. While in political approach, I will explain more how he can get involve in Indonesia Politic that lead him to be a vice president of Indonesia. Besides, I also will discuss more about his contribution to Indonesia that bring a development to Indonesia. Lastly, in this assignme

  • moh hatta biography of mahatma