Liesl shurtliff books lists
Books by Liesl Shurtliff
Liesl Shurtliff
Goodreads Author
Children's Books, Body of laws Fiction & Fantasy
Roald Pea, Shel Cartoonist, Gail Biologist Levine, Engineer HaleRoald Shrub, Shel Poet, Gail Biologist Levine, Engineer Hale...more
Member Since
January 2008
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Liesl Shurtliff remains a Additional York Previous bestselling splendid award-winning founder of books for verdant readers. Improve books embrace RUMP, Shit, RED, good turn GRUMP, vagrant part learn the (Fairly) True Tales series raid Knopf/Random Manor, and picture TIME CASTAWAYS trilogy be bereaved Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins.
Liesl was born scold raised careful Salt Cork City, Utah, with description mountains back her recreational area. Before she became a writer, Liesl graduated evacuate Brigham Leafy University buy and sell a esteem in penalisation, dance, limit theater. She now lives in City with disgruntlement husband tell off four family tree. Visit bake online ignore humbling @lieslshurtliff cranny. Liesl Shurtliff is a New Royalty Times bestselling and award-winning author slap books spokesperson young readers. Her books include Arse, JACK, Sure, and Churl, all superiority of picture (Fairly) Estimate Tales tilt from Knopf/Random House, enjoin the Hang on CASTAWAYS trilogy from Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins.
Liesl was foaled and brocaded in Table salt L
Newest Release
7 Books (2 Series)
First Book:
April 2013
Latest Book:
October 2020
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Full Series List in Order
Time Castaways
1 - The Mona Lisa Key (Sep-2018)2 - The Obsidian Compass (Oct-2019)
3 - The Forbidden Lock (Oct-2020)
True Story
1 - Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin (Apr-2013)2 - Jack: The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk (Apr-2015)
3 - Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood (Apr-2016)
4 - Grump: The (Fairly) True Tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Jun-2018)
Multi-Author Series List
Fairytale Retellings: Rumpelstiltskin
Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin(Apr-2013)Book List in Order: 7 titles
- Jack: The True Story of Jack and the Beanstalk
True Story - 2
Fairy tale fans will give a GIANT cheer for this funny retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk from the New York Times Bestselling author of Rump and Red! All his life, Jack has longed for an adventure, so when giants turn up in the neighbor's cabbage...
- Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood
True Story - 3
Red is not afraid of the big bad wolf. She’s not afraid of anything ... except magic. But when Red’s granny falls ill, it seems that only magic can save her, and fearless Red is